Tuesday, September 27, 2011


before I get into the real reason of this post let me just tell you that there is construction going on outside my apartment and they were making the ground shake!
...anyway I teach ballet and tap at a little studio up in Salt Lake on Tuesdays and today was no ordinary day. The girls in my first class are about 4 year olds, two of them ran into each other and one started to cry so I went over to talk to her and asked her if I could get her anything. She immediately stopped crying and asked "do you have any food here?" and began to laugh. Then as we were nearing the end of class one girl told me she needed to go potty. I asked her if she remembered where it was, she did, so she left. Another one of the girls decided she needed to go too so she followed right after. A little later the first girl came down and told me that she wasn't fast enough and had peed on the ground and someone needed to clean it up. The other little girl came down after and told me that she wasn't able to go potty because of the peed on the ground. I told the girls to put their shoes and wait quietly for their moms as I went to see how bad it was. I was imagining a little bit of pee dribbled on the ground, but no there was definitely a puddle. I couldn't help laughing, but I felt bad for the little girl.

1 comment:

  1. This is silly. But I totally remember peeing at Janet's and claiming it was water.
