Friday, October 26, 2012

2 months can seems like a lifetime

the past two months have been a roller coaster.  You know how sometimes everything just happens at once to the point where you don't know how you're going to get through it?  Thats what the past 2 months have been.  There are so many things I wish I could take back and start over, I know that a bad outlook to have, but I do.  I have gone through a quarter life crisis of what I really want to do with my life, thinking I maybe want to change my major from Dance Education to just Dance Performance and going to physical therapy assisting school.  Thats a pretty big change.  I've had to do a lot of thinking about certain situations and have re-discovered things.  Things I used to know, but forgot about, like being myself.  I don't know what happened, but by the end of the summer I was no longer myself.  That along with other things, are what I wish I hadn't forgotten, because maybe my life would be a little different now.  I know a certain situation would be different if I didn't forget those things and I wish I could work on them, but it's not that simple.  It's really hard not to be mad at myself.  On top of this craziness in life my aunt who has been struggling with cancer was giving 2 weeks to live.  At this point school didn't matter to me I needed to be there for my mom, cousins, and most importantly my aunt.  She passed away within that 2 weeks.  I am so happy she no longer has to deal with the pain and struggles cancer brought into her life. Anyway school is stressing me out like it never has before, its pretty terrible.  I finished my piece for my concert, so that is a relief.   60 days until my cruise.  Also since pictures make posts more fun here you go.

I'm obsessed with my niece and nephew! I can't get enough of them! I love them so much!  Sorry for the downer post :(

Monday, September 17, 2012


is back in session!  Its going to be a busy busy semester for me.  I made Synergy which is one of the dance companies at UVU.  The concert has student, faculty, and guest choreography.  I was one of the five students chosen to have my piece in the concert.  It is November 15-17 at UVU in the Reagan Theater so you should come!
 My summer was great!  I went to lake powell TWICE, hiked kings peak (hyperventilated, and went hysterical), visited Jason, Melissa, Jack, and Cadence again, Mikelle came home from her mission, saw Wicked TWICE, and did other random fun activities.  I wish I could go back to summertime and maybe do just a few things differently, but thats another story.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

It's been awhile...

I've been a bad blogger, it might be partly due to the fact I've been going up to sandy a lot.  Quick update.  I was able to go to Indiana over my spring break to visit Jason, Melissa, Jack, and Cadence.  I had so much fun with them.  We even went to chicago for a few days.  Word of advice don't go to chicago over St. Patrick's day, there was sssssooooo many people.  I am such a special girl and was given flowers for international womens day :) I had a dance performance at UVU and finished finals.  Can't wait to start boating, and swimming, and playing.  Enjoy these pictures and videos.

Monday, February 20, 2012


My niece Cadence Mae Newman was born on February 9 at 7 lbs 7 oz and 21 1/2 in. She is so precious and her big brother loves her. I can't wait to see her in 18 days when I fly out there over my spring break. (I'm the favorite aunt)

Sunday, February 19, 2012

14 months...

More like 14 hours!

Those closest to me know what this means. And actually it's more like 30 hours but 14 just sounded better.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

New boy

Yep there's a new one in my life. I've known about him for a few years now, but have only heard stories. Well I officially met him last Tuesday at school. We've only had a few short get togethers here and there during my breaks at school, but I think I'll be seeing more and more of him as the semester progresses. Meet Kenny!

Monday, January 2, 2012


so I've been teaching tap once a week up in salt lake for the past couple months, helping prepare a group of girls for their auditions for their schools musical Anything Goes. I was in this play in high school so its been fun to talk to them about it. Well all of my girls (who were auditioning) got call backs and are in the play. Apparently its a huge thing at this school. I am so excited for my girls. Here are some of us the week before christmas break